Studio Gamma/Water
Type: Housing
Subject Coordinators: Prof Rochus Hinkel
Tutor: Anneke Prins
Date: Semester 1, 2021

Living Neighbourhood
For the Gamma/Water studio, the task is to develop a design proposal for a
new community pleasure garden near Melbourne center- Carlton.
The studio explores the relationship between design responses and dynamics of dwelling and the urban landscape, co-habitation, population density, and integration and fostering of ecological systems in an urban setting. The studio explores compact dwellings, place and landscape. We do so through the incremental densification of an urban neighbourhood with a strong heritage characteristic by interrogating urban qualities, landscape and architectural responses to them.
The MacArthur Place precinct in Carlton is the design context. The first task has analyze the surrounding urban, ecological context, and develop a masterplan which could better respond to the local social/ environmental conditions. This is based on the idea that Carlton City Council has declared climate catastrophe and aims for a Zero Carbon Carlton by 2035. The council seeks proposals that imagine the
MacArthur Place precinct as a prototype and model for future inner urban densification developments, that address questions of climate change, fostering inner urban ecologies and biodiversity.
Due to 21th century diverse urban cohabitation, the design has further asked to achieve variety dwelling types with testing different materiality to respond to the heritages, in order to make new dwelling design suitable and reflect the contemporary habits of human living.
* if you are on the phone, please click here to view the portfolio
or click here to view the design journal